#02262024a – What Is Atheism?

One of my random thoughts of the last several days: I’ve been spending a lot of time on TikTok (although my posts are few and far between – this virus has me going into coughing fits every time I speak). But one of the things I’ve seen occasionally is the age-old conundrum of getting around the Christian characterization of atheism as just another religion based on “belief” – now I know most of you who have followed me are also aware that there are innumerable flaws in this argument. However, I saw someone on TikTok recently (I’d give them credit here but I can’t remember exactly where I saw it) describing atheism in a way that resonated with me; it’s an indifference to the idea of an omnipotent, omnipresent force. So, effectively, “yeah, your “god” may or may not exist, but’s he/she/it/they are irrelevant – I see no evidence of your god in anything (including historic texts written by primitive agriculturalists), nor do I see their engagement in either my personal life, nor in the natural world. So until positive, demonstrable evidence of their existence shows up, I really have no use for your god, however you describe it.

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Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania 1991

Welcome to Northstate Science, a blog dedicated to bringing education and evidence to a world increasingly hostile to both. Here I will combat the misinformation about science (anthropology in particular), discuss politics and religion from time to time, and occasionally throw in some random musings and adventures.

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